Health minister calls on local authority leaders to tackle TB and Hep C

Local authority leaders, in areas with high rates of TB or Hepatitis C infection, were called together by the Minister for Public Health, Jane Ellison, to examine actions and interventions to address the two diseases.

The minister outlined the similarities between the two diseases; including their links to health inequalities and challenges relating to ensuring access to services and infection control.

Local authority leaders, including Directors of Public Health, were urged to consider TB and Hepatitis C within Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and to examine how health, social care and other local authority services could be integrated to tackle TB, Hepatitis C and wider health inequalities.

The summit highlighted guidance for TB and Hepatitis C control, in the form of the Collaborative TB Strategy for England 2015-2020 and the forthcoming Hepatitis C improvement Framework.

Key TB stakeholders from the NHS, Public Health England and third sector then put forward their insights and expertise on how effective care and control could be achieved, focusing on prevention and health promotion.

Read the minister’s speech

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