Tackling TB in under-served populations – new guidance

Tackling Tuberculosis in Under-Served Populations: A Resource for TB Control Boards and their partners’ has been published today by Public Health England.

The resource, which was produced in partnership with TB Alert, brings together information related to under-served populations (USPs) and TB in one place in order to support TB Control Boards and their partners to design and deliver multi-agency programmes to better meet the needs of the under-served.

This resource consists of 10 chapters:

  • Chapter 1 defines who under-served populations are, outlines the burden of TB in these populations and maps where they are found in England
  • Chapters 2 to 6 take each of the main under-served populations in turn and defines them; outlines the burden of TB within these groups; discusses the challenges to be overcome; and then makes recommendations on how to meet these challenges. Each chapter includes hyperlinked resources and exemplars of innovation and good practice to stimulate local action.
  • Chapters 7, 8 and 9 outline the roles and responsibilities of those involved alongside the TB clinical teams (local government, TB Control Boards, CCGs and the third sector) in meeting the needs of under-served populations
  • Chapter 10 outlines a selection of ‘models of care’ that can be used to meet the needs of under-served populations with TB

For the purpose of this resource the people considered as under-served include:

  • people who are homeless
  • some migrants groups
  • people in contact with the criminal justice system
  • people who misuse drugs and/or alcohol
  • people with mental health needs

Tackling TB among under-served populations (USPs) is one of the key areas for action identified in the Collaborative TB Strategy for England. We hope this resource will be useful to you and your stakeholders in developing services that better meet the needs of the under-served and to reversing the pattern of health inequalities so commonly associated with TB.

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