
TB Alert is unable to provide a helpline service at the current time. This is due to staff shortages. We are working hard to find a solution to this, and hope to provide a full service again as soon as possible. We’re sorry about any inconvenience this may cause you.

In the meantime, please contact your local TB service for information about TB. You can find their contact details by calling your local health protection team: visit and click on the ‘Health Protection Services – postcode lookup.’  Enter your postcode and you will be given the contact details for your local health protection team and if you call them, they will provide you with the contact details for your local TB service.

You may also wish to contact NHS Direct with an enquiry at: or call NHS 111 by dialling 111 from landline or mobile free of charge. Remember that your General Practitioner, or local GP can also be a good source of information and advice about TB.

Information and support can also be sourced online, through our UK TB information site The Truth About TB.

For an overview of TB, please visit the About TB section of this site. You may also be interested in our patient information leaflets which cover all aspects of the TB journey.