TB Alert partners receive global funding for TB training in prisons

TB Alert’s Zambian partner, Chichetekelo Outreach Partners (COP), recently received a grant of $20,000 from the Stop TB Partnership’s Challenge Facility for Civil Society.

Training recipients

COP have used the funding to provide TB training for prison officers, from prisons across the Kabwe district, providing the latest knowledge on TB, the links between TB and HIV, and the causes of drug resistant TB.

During the training, the prison offices highlighted several barriers to provision of TB services within their prisons. These included a lack of standard procedures to check inmates for TB on admission; inadequate testing, diagnosis and treatment opportunities; overcrowding; and poor integration of TB and HIV services.

Ten Civil Society Organizations, working in TB and HIV, also received capacity building training to enable them to meet the requirements of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; including avoiding drug stock-outs and planning advocacy activities around the issue of drug shortages.

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